Dapatkan Dollar Dari Blog Anda dengan UrlCash

Sekilas info, urlcash membayar setiap link yg diklik, baik untuk situs pribadi, forum, blog, dsb.
Link tersebut hrs di-generate/dibuat dimenu "Create Links" yg ada dimember area urlcash.
Hasil generate-an tsb yg dicopy ke blog, forum2, dsb. Contoh link urlcash diforum xteam byk

Ada 2 tipe nilai link urlcash.
1. Frame redirects (ga sehalaman penuh)
2. Landingpage redirects (sehalaman penuh)

Nilai Landingpage lebih besar. Jika Frame redirects $1/4999-klik, Landingpage $1/3333-klik.

Nilai perolehan kita jg dipengaruhi "Traffic origin" atau IP negara yg klik link kita.

Payout per country
71% - USA and Canada
60% - UK
45% - France, Germany, Netherlands, Italy and Ireland
40% - Austria, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Australia and Belgium
35% - All other European countries not listed
25% - Australia
15% - Brazil, Mexico, Russia and India
10% - Japan, China, Taiwan and all other countries.


About Me

My photo
Presiden Director of : Monopoly Cell Groups, Monopoly Games and Internet Lounge, Monopoly Computer : Hardware, Maintenance and Supply Computer Product, Internet Networking Company, All in Depok City ,--------------------------, Send me Email : Radarmerauke@telkom.net

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